A man once volunteered to donate blood to his family member who needed blood transfusion. After doing all the necessary checks, the man was told that he was not qualified to do so and was asked to see the doctor for further examination.
On getting to the doctor, he was told he had
hepatitis B. He was given medications and managed for six months. After that
period, a repeat test was done twice and both came out negative.
The doctor first congratulated the patient, saying his own immune system got
rid of the virus, and that his condition was called acute hepatitis.
A hepatitis B infection can result in
either an acute infection or a chronic infection. When a person is first
infected with the hepatitis B virus, it is called an “acute infection” (or a
new infection).
Most healthy adults infected do not have any
symptoms and are able to get rid of the virus without any problems. Some are,
however, unable to get rid of the virus after six months and they are diagnosed
as having a “chronic infection.” A simple blood test can diagnose an acute or
chronic hepatitis B infection.
Hepatitis B is a global public health threat and
the world’s most common liver infection. It is up to 100 times more infectious
than the HIV/AIDS virus. It is deadly because the hepatitis B virus attacks and
injures the liver. Two billion people, basically one in three people, have been
infected worldwide.
Seeking medical attention if one doesn’t feel
well or if one is uncertain about whether or not if one has been infected with
hepatitis B. A simple hepatitis B blood test can easily diagnose whether or one
has an infection. Testing is the only way to know for sure if one is infected.
Hepatitis B is called a “silent infection”
because most people do not have any symptoms when they are first infected.
Thus, they can unknowingly pass the virus to others and continue the silent
spread of hepatitis B.
The common symptoms are fever, fatigue,
unexplained weakness, muscle pain, joint pain, loss of appetite, mild nausea
and vomiting, stomach pain, pale or light-coloured stools and dark-coloured
urine. Serious symptoms that require immediate medical attention are severe
nausea and vomiting, yellow eyes and skin (called “jaundice”), bloated or
swollen stomach.

The hepatitis B virus is transmitted through
blood and bodily fluids. This can most commonly occur in the following ways:
Direct contact with infected blood, unprotected sex, use of illicit drugs,
needles that are contaminated or not sterile, from an infected woman to her
newborn during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Also, body piercing,
tattooing, acupuncture and even nail salons are other potential routes of
infection unless sterile needles and equipment are used. In addition, sharing
sharp instruments such as razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers, earrings and
body jewellery can be a source of infection. Hepatitis B is NOT transmitted
casually. It cannot be spread through toilet seats, doorknobs, and sneezing,
coughing, hugging or eating meals with someone who is infected.
Everyone should be tested; if they have not been
infected and have not received the hepatitis B vaccine then they should also
start the vaccination immediately. In addition to vaccination, there are other
simple ways to help to stop the spread of the virus. These are:
Washing of hands with soap and water after any
potential exposure to blood; use of condoms with multiple sexual partners,
non-direct contact with blood and bodily fluids.
Also, clean up blood spills with a fresh
diluted bleach solution (mix one part bleach with nine parts water), cover all
wounds carefully, avoid sharing sharp items such as razors, nail clippers,
toothbrushes, and earrings or body rings. Discard sanitary napkins and tampons
into plastic bags, using new sterile needles for tattoos and acupuncture.
Management of hepatitis B
Have you recently been diagnosed with hepatitis
B? Has any of your family members or loved ones tested positive for hepatitis
B? You are not alone. In fact, nearly one in three people worldwide are
infected with the hepatitis B virus in their lifetimes. Receiving a diagnosis
of hepatitis B can be confusing or overwhelming, and may lead to many questions
or concerns.
Do you have an acute or chronic infection? When someone is first infected with
hepatitis B, it is considered an acute infection. If you continue to test
positive for hepatitis B after six months, it is considered a chronic
Pregnancy and hepatitis B:
Babies born to a mother with hepatitis B have a
greater than 90 per cent chance of developing chronic hepatitis B if they are
not properly treated at birth. It is imperative for pregnant women to know
their hepatitis B status in order to prevent passing the virus on to their
newborn baby during delivery.
Their new-born must be given two shots
immediately in the delivery room: first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine, one
dose of the Hepatitis B Immune Globulin.
Breastfeeding and Hepatitis B:
The WHO recommends that all women with hepatitis
B should be encouraged to breastfeed their newborns. The benefits of
breastfeeding outweigh any potential risk of infection. Since it is recommended
that all infants be vaccinated against hepatitis B at birth, any potential risk
is further reduced.
Adults living with hepatitis B:
All patients with chronic hepatitis B infections, including children and
adults, should be monitored regularly since they are at an increased risk for
developing complications (cirrhosis, liver failure, or liver cancer).

Are you infected with hepatitis B?
Are you protected from hepatitis B because you
were vaccinated or have recovered from a past infection? Are you at the risk of
being infected with hepatitis B? It is very important to understand your
hepatitis B blood test results so that you can receive the right kind of care
and follow-up.
Not everyone who tests positive for hepatitis B
will require medication. Other tests like liver function test ,abdominal scan
and viral load are important. Depending on your test results, you and your
doctor might decide to wait and monitor your condition.
If your test results indicate that you would be a
good candidate for treatment, then your doctor will discuss the current
treatment options with you.
While living with hepatitis B can be difficult
and scary at first, the more information and support that you have, the easier
it gets. The most important thing to remember is that hepatitis B is a chronic
medical condition (such as diabetes and high blood pressure) that can be
successfully managed if you take good care of your health and your liver.
You should expect to live a long, full life. Once
you are diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B, the virus will most likely stay in
your blood and liver throughout your life. It is also important to know that
you can pass the virus to others, even if you don’t feel sick. This is why it’s
so important that you make sure that all close household contacts and sex
partners are tested and vaccinated against hepatitis B.
It takes only three shots to protect yourself and
your loved ones against hepatitis B. The hepatitis B vaccine is a safe and
effective vaccine that is recommended for all infants at birth and for children
up to 18 years.
The hepatitis B vaccine is also recommended for
adults living with diabetes and those that can be infected in the course of
their jobs, lifestyle, living situations, or country of birth.
Since everyone is at some risk, all adults should
seriously consider getting the hepatitis B vaccine for a lifetime protection
against a preventable chronic liver disease .To be certain that you are
protected against hepatitis B, ask for a simple blood test to check your
“antibody titres” that will confirm whether the vaccination was successful.

The Better Life Medical Mission, an NGO, will on
Saturday July 29 organise a seminar in Lagos to mark the World Hepatitis Day
2017. There will be health talks, counselling, hepatitis testing and screening,
hepatitis B immunisation and opportunity to join hepatitis support group.
Call to participate and register on 09094638795, 08186549147. Remember that every single person can be affected by viral hepatitis and we all have a part to play to achieve elimination.